Huwebes, Abril 17, 2014

Who Can Defuse the Ukraine Crisis?

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Human Rights Watch THE WEEK IN RIGHTS
April 17, 2014
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Dispatches: Can OSCE Defuse Ukraine Crisis?

By Hugh Williamson

On a recent visit to the headquarters of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe in Vienna, I met diplomats and officials racing to keep up with the worsening events in Ukraine.

The OSCE is the only regional security organization with Russia, Ukraine, European countries, and the US as members and so has a key role to play in defusing the Ukraine crisis. Last month it took the important consensus decision to send international monitors to Ukraine with the aim of "reducing tensions and fostering peace, stability and security".

Its task is growing more challenging by the hour as eastern Ukraine slides toward armed conflict, but the need could not be more pressing.

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Africa Kenya Should Halt Crackdown on Somalis

Scapegoating and abusing Somalis for heinous attacks by unknown people is not going to protect Kenyans, Somalis, or anyone else against more attacks. Kenya's deportation of Somalis to their conflict-ridden country without allowing them to seek asylum would be a flagrant breach of its legal obligations.
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ASIA China to Administer Exams Accessible to the Blind

The Chinese Education Ministry's decision to provide Braille or electronic exams for national university entrance will improve access to higher education for candidates who are blind or have visual impairments. This is an important breakthrough after years of advocacy by disability rights advocates in China.
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Dispatches: It's Déjà vu as France Targets Roma for Eviction

By Izza Leghtas

Francois Hollande's administration promised a fairer approach for Roma than the previous ruling party's. But a leaked internal order instructing police officers in Paris' wealthy sixth arrondissement (district) to locate and "systematically evict" Roma living on the streets of the area suggests that, in practice, little has changed.

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EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA The UN Security Council Should Support Justice for Syria

For victims in Syria who have known nothing but suffering, despair and abandonment, the International Criminal Court would open up the hope of justice and redress. It would also send a warning to those responsible for grave crimes on all sides that their day in court may be coming.
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